Targeted Beneficiaries

Youth (18 - 40)

Target Group


Youth (50% women) One Month Internship Program, Mentorship Program and Business Coaching


Green Empowerment through Vocational Training for Solid Waste Management in Lalitpur (GEMS-L)

Funding Organization

Support Organization

Project Start Date

May 2024

Project Objective

Project Outcome/Output

Project Activities

Total No. of Staff/ Project Personnel

Geographical Location

Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC)

Project Description

This project initiative focuses on developing skills in waste segregation, recycling, and innovative business practices within the green economy. With rapid urbanization and significant unemployment, GEMS-L addresses the critical need for sustainable waste management solutions and economic opportunities. The project comprises Stakeholder Networking and Knowledge-sharing, Capacity Building, Awareness Campaigns and Community Engagement, and Project Management and Coordination. Over seven months, the project will foster collaboration among NGOs, local authorities, and the community, promoting public participation and enhancing waste management infrastructure. By equipping youth with the skills and knowledge for entrepreneurship and self-employment, GEMS-L aims to create a more sustainable and economically resilient Lalitpur.