Clean Up Nepal Empowers Trainers for Zero Waste at Schools Program

Clean Up Nepal recently conducted a two-day Training of Trainers (TOT) session on Zero Waste at Schools (ZWAS), aiming to enhance the skills of six participants for effective delivery of ZWAS training.

On November 1 and 2, 2022, six trainers, including members from EU Youth Sounding Board Nepal, Youth Innovation Lab, and Clean Up Nepal, gathered to learn about waste management, segregation practices, and the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The session, funded by the European Union in Nepal, aimed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct ZWAS training effectively.

During the second day of the TOT session, participants engaged in various exercises and group activities, focusing on waste hierarchy, composting, and the 3R’s. The session concluded on a positive note, with participants feeling confident to deliver ZWAS sessions in schools and communities.

Clean Up Nepal expresses gratitude to the European Union for their support and commends the enthusiastic participation of the youths from EU Youth Sounding Board Nepal. Two of the trained participants will further conduct awareness sessions in Niten Memorial School in the coming weeks, contributing to the promotion of sustainable waste management practices.