CLEAN UP NEPAL Celebrates Success of Zero Waste at Schools Project in Pokhara

On December 27, the project intervened schools of Pokhara were acknowledged with certificates upon the completion of the Zero Waste at Schools project. The project was implemented in seven government schools approved by the Education Division of Pokhara. Through five modules, our six trainers and a field support officer trained students from grades 5, 6, and 7 on waste management practices. The schools received certificates to mark the completion of this phase and with the anticipation of new beginnings. The teachers were awarded the Eco- contributor award for passionately coordinating and contributing to waste management practices at schools.

Additionally, the review and reflection of the project was also conducted on December 27 among the team members followed by a farewell program for the staff and trainers at Pokhara for remarkably accomplishing the project.

CLEAN UP NEPAL has been implementing Zero Waste at School (ZWAS) in partnership with ABC Sweden, supported by ForumCiv.