Sophie Topp



- Currently in year 3 of a Bachelor of Humanitarian and Development Studies

About Me

My name is Sophie Topp and I am a third year student in Humanitarian and Development Studies. My main motivation coming into this degree was to learn about and create an ethical career in community lead sustainable development. As I am in my final semester, I am currently abroad in Kathmandu, Nepal, undertaking an internship at CLEAN UP NEPAL. I am passionate about women’s health education and rights, and believe that strengthening these factors is the key to sustainable and thriving communities. I am highly interested in partaking in hands on field work and facilitating community-based pathways to development. I hope to gain invaluable experience working with local communities and experience a cross-cultural learning and work dynamic here in Nepal. I hope my knowledge and experience gained in throughout the internship at CLEAN UP NEPAL will prepare me for a career in humanitarian work or community work with a focus on environmental sustainability and women’s rights.