July 25-26, 2024: A Collective Effort Towards a Cleaner and Greener Kapilvastu

On July 25 and 26, 2024, CLEAN UP NEPAL, in collaboration with Maharajgunj Municipality Ward 8, the Dalit Social Development Center (DSDC), local community groups, and the Eco Club, organized two impactful events in Kapilvastu district, supported by IM Swedish Development Partner. The clean-up event on July 25 in Sunbarsha, Maharajgunj Municipality 8, brought together over 70 participants, including ward members, students, parents, and community groups, who collectively gathered 11.6 kg of waste, comprising 1.4 kg of metal, 3.7 kg of plastic bottles, 2.8 kg of wrappers, 0.5 kg of glass bottles, and 3.2 kg of mixed waste. This initiative fostered environmental awareness and community solidarity. The following day, July 26, plantation events were held in Singhrawah, Sunbarsha, and Akabarpur, with 168 participants, including students, teachers, parents, and community members, planting 1,075 saplings of various species such as mango, litchi, guava, and lemon. These events, conducted in collaboration with the Division Forest Office, DSDC Kapilvastu, and 1 million Tree Plantation, resulted in cleaner neighborhoods, greener spaces, and demonstrated the power of community collaboration in driving positive environmental change in Kapilvastu.